Monday, February 10, 2014

Playing Android Games Through Emulator

Hmm, suddenly got the urge to try playing android game(s) through emulator.
Currently trying 2 games: Guardian Cross and Devil Maker: Tokyo.

First try with AndroVM Although both games could be downloaded smoothly from Play Store, I couldn't play any of them.
Second try: Genymotion - the successor of AndroVM. Immediate problem: Play Store is not bundled in for Genymotion v2.0. Genymotion is currently working to address this issue, but until then...

How To

  1. Get Oracle Virtual Box v4.2 or above (at the time of writing the latest is v4.3.6). 
  2. Get Genymotion v2.0.1 - Windows has 2 versions of installer; one bundled with Virtual Box, the other without. 
    Registration is required before download is enabled.
  3. Run Genymotion, click on Add button - select your emulated/virtual device (I chose Galaxy S2 4.1.1)
    To download a virtual device, you need to login within Genymotion using your Geny account.
  4. Download necessary stuffs based on this
    In my case I got ARM Translation Installer v1.1 and Google Apps for Android 4.1
    Don't bother extracting the zip files.
  5. Click on Play button in Genymotion
  6. Drag and drop it into the emulator window.
  7. It should say "File transfer in progress", once it asks you to flash it click 'OK'
  8. Reboot your device (power off - directly closing emulator window is not recommended)
  9. Do the same for
  10. Try to install your game(s).
  11. Try to play your game(s).


Disclaimer: It's far for comprehensive and it won't be comprehensive - just marking the holes that I stumbled upon.

Validating Play Store Installation

  1. Try to find Netflix and Google Drive and try to install them.
Well, I managed to see Google Drive but I still got the problem as below.

"Your device isn't compatible with this version"

In my case I got above message.
I recalled seeing a brief pop-up message that obscured by "File transfer in progress" window and tried to capture it by repeating flashing. On my 3rd try I managed to get 2 messages: "unfortunately google search has stopped" followed by "unfortunately google play store has stopped".
Searching on the latter message brought me here.
After performing  step #1, #2, #3 and #5 laid out by GSDer,
  1. go to Settings -> Application manager -> ALL, find 'Google Play Store' and select it - Clear cache, if that doesn't work Clear data, if that doesn't work Force stop; if that doesn't work Uninstall updates (restart the phone between each intermediate step)
  2. go to Settings -> Application manager -> ALL, find 'Google Services Framework' and select it - Clear data, if that doesn't work Force stop
  3. go to Settings -> Application manager -> press the Menu button -> select 'Reset app preferences'
  4. go to Settings -> Application manager -> ALL; scroll to the very bottom of the list and see if 'Downloads' is disabled - if it is, Enable it; also see if 'Google Account Manager' is disabled and if it is Enable it
  5. go to Settings, find the Accounts group, select Google, select your Gmail address then select the 'Remove account' button. Restart the phone then add your Google account back.
I managed to install both Guardian Cross and Devil Maker: Tokyo.

System Not Responding

The title doesn't represent the actual message prompted to users. Even after "successful installation" the emulator hangs quite frequently.
Note that even though the Genymotion emulator window is closed, it may still run behind the screen. To verify, go to Virtual Box and check the status of said virtual device.
If it still running, just send the kill message: Right click --> Close --> Power Off.
Afterwards you can try to play the virtual device from Genymotion again.

Other Problems

Search &/ ask in stackoverflow or elsewhere.

Trial Run

Guardian Cross - Failed to Run

If I have the time I may try a virtual device with tablet - landscape form-factor. It seems like rotate screen feature in Genymotion is not perfectly emulated. When I set the screen to landscape and turn off auto-rotate, it would immediately switch back to portrait.
Emphasis on may: Guardian Cross' hunt requires simultaneous control of both hands. Replacing the functionality with single mouse would be challenging.
Only issue is, with a Computer Emulator is you got to right click to unlock ur mouse, then click fire, then left click to relock your mouse, right click to unlock it and click on fire... Unless Blue stacks has some way around this when they add in GC. Can't remember which one I tried using like 6 weeks ago, but it was garbage. - source.

Devil Maker: Tokyo 

Went through the tutorial - up to killing the first boss devil. The game-play is quite nice so far; but the loading time is definitely a big turn-off.


  1. Nice guide!
    Did you get guardian cross to work on any other emulators?

  2. I just want to let you know that I just check out your site and I find it very interesting and informative.. emulateur android windows 10
